Saturday, April 21, 2007

Jeff Meldrum to visit Santa Cruz!

World famous bigfoot researcher Jeff Meldrum is going to be visiting Santa Cruz.

Here is the ad from the

The Bigfoot Discovery Museum in Felton, CA presents:


Saturday, June 30, 2007
Felton & Santa Cruz, CA

Featuring a presentation by Dr. Jeff Meldrum
“Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science”
A one-hour lecture followed by a short question & answer session And a full hour to meet & greet Dr. Meldrum and fellow bigfooters after the talk.

6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Louden Nelson Center, 301 Center Street, Santa Cruz, CA

Tickets: $10/adult, $7/museum members, students, seniors, $5 children 12 and under

For ticket reservations please contact the Bigfoot Discovery Museum
Weekends from 10 am – 6 pm pst at
Or email
Michael Rugg at

Payment may be made using Paypal to:

Or send a check or money order to:
Michael Rugg
Bigfoot Discovery Museum
P.O. Box 153
Felton, CA 95018

The museum will have special activities and displays during the day. We plan on having Dr. Meldrum available for an hour in the early afternoon for a book signing at the museum. He will also have footprint casts available for sale as well as copies of his book, “Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science.”

We hope you can make it! It’s the first big event for our local bigfoot museum! You probably already know someone who is a member…we’d like you to come and join us for this special gathering of bigfooters on June 30th! Make your plans now to be here for this special event!