Sunday, April 02, 2006

Mendocino Road Trip

This is a test. I read the web 2.0 article in Newsweek and it was mentioning The article said that you could blog pictures with one click of the button. Anyway, now I am trying it with a picture of the beach at Russian Gulch State Park. I am sure I will come back and post more pictures in this post, but I wanted to try this "blog this!" thing out.

See, I am writing this entry at, and not at my usual blogger posting page. Some might not think that is exciting, but I think it is kind of cool. Especially after reading the Newsweek article. (Ok, I just tried it and it works..., but now I am back at blogger adding more picts.)

So, anyway, just got back from a three day roadtrip to Mendocino. Followed Hwy 1 all the way up. It was nice as these pictures show. Even thought it was supposed to rain, there was still patches of sun. Mendocino is a great little town and it is even better when the weather is bad and nobody is there.

Russian Gulch State Park- This is a view from the beach. Hwy 1 is right above you.

Fern Canyon Van Dame State Park
Fern Canyon, Van Damme State Park

Point Arena Lighthouse
Point Arena Lighthouse

Sonoma County Coast
Sonoma County Coast

Glass Beach

Glass Beach, Fort Bragg- This was a very cool beach. I guess it used to be a dump in the 1940's. Now all the garbage is gone, but lots and lots of glass is left. Most of the white specks in this picture is beach glass.

Room with a view
Speaking of Fort Bragg, check out the view from the room. The North Cliff Hotel is super nice and pretty reasonable considering what you get. It is a great place to kick it and watch the storms roll in. If you can't tell, that is a fireplace next to the window... Swank!

As always, you can view all the pictures at my account. Just look for all the pictures that were uploaded April 1st.

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