Friday, March 03, 2006

My First Google Earth Post.

Hey there. Well, I thought I would post my first Google Earth file for you all to view. That is if you have Google Earth. This is a flyover of one day of our honeymoon. This area represents the "back road" from Vancouver to Kamloops Britsh Colombia Canada. To view this flyover and have it look good, you have to change the settings. Go to "Tools" then "Options" then the "Control" tab, then click the "Advanced" box. On "Driving Directions Tour Options" put "70" in the "camera tilt angle" and "1500" in the "Camera Range" box. Then press play and kick back and relax. Check it out because it is "just like Beggars Canyon back home". You can download the file here. Note it is a zip file because I could not figure out how to post a klm file.

Vancover to Kamloops

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